Juggling Life, Kids, & Dreams

“I’m not diminishing my victories anymore- they are all big. No small victories here! I’m celebrating them all! - Jess

A full-time job, holding down a family, and pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams- It's like balancing on a tightrope while juggling flaming torches, a laptop with a blaring conference call- all with a toddler hanging onto one leg! Sound familiar? Now, my kids are all grown-ish, but I know many who have a busy home life while living this self- employed life…. And also punching a clock while they build! This is for you!

The 9-to-5 Grind: The (Sort of) Stable Anchor

First, there's the “stable” full-time job. The one with benefits, a (somewhat) predictable schedule, and a consistent paycheck! It’s what keeps the lights on, but let's be honest, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Deadlines, meetings that could have been emails, meetings about the meetings (insert big eye roll!) and that ever-looming inbox. Navigating office politics can feel like you're back in high school, except this time, mortgages and college funds are at stake.

Kids: The Unpredictable Tornadoes

Lets’s talk about those delightful little tornadoes. Every day is a new adventure, from convincing a four-year-old that brushing teeth is not optional, to navigating the perilous terrain of teenage mood swings. And let’s not forget the school projects that somehow always seem to be due tomorrow, requiring supplies you don’t have and didn’t hear about until 30 minutes before bed time! I know this happens in your house, too!

The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Your Personal Passion Project

Your entrepreneurial venture- Your dream, the thing that keeps you up at night (aside from the actual baby). Whether it’s a side hustle or a full-blown startup, pursuing a personal venture while managing a job and kids challenging to say the least. You steal moments between conference calls to tweak your business plan or answer customer inquiries. Your weekends are split between family time and hustling to get your venture off the ground.I know this all too well!

But here’s the real challenge: Finding Balance. So, how do you balance it all without losing your mind? Some say balance is a myth. What you need is a sense of rhythm. Here are a few tips to help you find your groove:

1. Embrace the calendar. Block out time for work, family, and your venture.
2. Delegate Like a Boss: At work, at home, and in your business, delegate tasks whenever you can. Teach your kids to handle age-appropriate chores, and don’t hesitate to outsource tasks for your venture that others can do better or faster.
3. Prioritize: Some days, the business takes a back seat to family, and that’s okay. Other days, work might have to overshadow both. Accept that priorities will shift daily, and be flexible.
4. Self-Care Isn’t Optional: Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
5. Find Your Tribe: Connect with others who are in the same boat.

The Takeaway: Embrace the Madness

Balancing a full-time job, raising kids, and being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s about finding joy in the chaos and celebrating the victories (whether “small” or big)! So, take a deep breath, you’ve got this!


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