Imposter Syndrome: Signs and Solutions

“I believe that greatness is measured by the obstacles you overcome and the impact you make on others”

~ Jess.

Have you ever felt as if you are just not good enough at your profession? Despite evidence of success and validation, have you felt undeserving of your achievements or that you'll be exposed as a "fraud"? Regardless of your success level, your industry, your background, please understand that this psychological pattern is not abnormal! It's known as "imposter syndrome", and manifests in various ways. Perfectionism, overworking, fear of failure, discounting positive feedback and self-doubt are all signs that you may have fallen into this trap that will rob you of confidence and a healthy mind-set.

This internal struggle can effect your personal and professional life, but by recognizing the signs and combating these invasive feelings with strategies, you can unlock your full potential! I understand, my friend! I've felt this before and when I find myself slipping into thought patterns that can hinder my growth, I approach it in these ways:

I acknowledge my feelings and often talk about them with trusted family or friends. Simply voicing your thoughts can provide relief and offer new perspectives.

I reframe my thinking by challenging negative self-talk with positive affirmations. For instance, remind yourself of your achievements and the hard work that has lead to it.

I celebrate successes! You have to acknowledge your growth, how far you've come and the strides you're making to keep rising! Keep a record of tangible evidences of your capabilities! You can read emails from happy clients or just think about past projects and future endeavors.

I embrace failures. It's not comfortable, but I believe it's necessary. It's part of growth and learning. View your setbacks as opportunities for development! This can reduce the fear associated with making mistakes.

I show myself some grace! I treat myself with kindness and compassion. Everyone has moments of doubt, but you cannot live in that space. Making a home in that space will diminish your worth and abilities.

Imposter Syndrome is a widespread issue, but acknowledging and addressing these feelings is not a sign of weakness, but a step towards self-awareness and confidence! I believe in you, my friend! And I want you to believe in you, too!


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