Entrepreneurship Under Pressure: Why Quitting Isn’t an Option (And How to Thrive)

"Quitting may seem like an escape, but to what? When you walk away from your vision, there's no destination—just the emptiness of abandoning what was meant for you." ~Jess.

Let’s be real. If you've ever been an entrepreneur for longer than a minute, you’ve come to a moment when everything feels like it's crumbling. You're staring at a mountain of tasks, a bank account that is depleting, maybe an empty inbox, and you start to wonder: Was this all a terrible idea? Should I just pack it up and call it a day?

I get it. In fact, I’ve been there more times than I could tell you. But here’s the thing- if you give up now, who are you really quitting on? You. You’d be quitting on you. And that, my friend, is a line you don’t want to cross.

Let me share a little story from my own journey as an interior designer. Oh yes, the glamorous world of color swatches, floor plans, and making all things beautiful. I remember one day vividly—I had been working on a project that was testing my every limit. Sitting on the floor of my client’s living room, painting trim, thinking of client demands, budget constraints, and my own vision that just wasn’t coming together quick enough. I was ready to throw in the towel and say, “That's it! Interior design wasn’t meant for me.”

But right before I hit “delete” on my social accounts, and announced that the doors to my business were closed, something hit me. This was my vision. I had been given this talent, this drive, this idea. It wasn’t just something I stumbled into, it was something that had been chosen for me. I realized that if I quit, I wouldn’t just be quitting a business—I’d be quitting on me and abandoning the vision that was given to me by God. I was capable of making this vision come to life. If I quit now, I’d be quitting on myself.

Under Pressure? It’s Not a Sign to Stop, It’s a Sign to Grow

Being an entrepreneur isn’t a cakewalk. It’s all fun when you’re establishing your name, website, branding, getting all your “ducks in order”. But the work must follow. The pressure is relentless. Some days it feels like you’re sprinting on a treadmill that’s only getting faster. But here's the thing: diamonds are made under pressure. Cliché? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

The moments when you're feeling the heat are the moments when you're learning the most. Every challenge you face, every obstacle you climb, that’s your entrepreneurial muscles getting stronger. If you back down every time it gets tough, you’re not giving yourself the chance to evolve into the business owner you were meant to be.

Quitting Won’t Make the Pressure Go Away

The truth is, quitting doesn’t eliminate the stress, it just shifts it somewhere else. You’ll always wonder, What if I had just stuck with it? You’ll spend more time regretting than you ever did stressing. And as someone who’s stood on that ledge, ready to dive into the safety net of giving up, I’m here to tell you that sticking with it—even when it feels impossible—feels a heck of a lot better in the long run. I have asked myself “quit to what”? God hadn’t given me another vision. And even if He had, there would still be work required and a mental toughness to acquire.

Your Vision Needs You—So Don’t Abandon Ship

Entrepreneurship is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, complete with water breaks, cramps, and occasional detours. But here's the good news: if you’ve been given a vision, it’s because you are fully equipped to bring it to life. That’s not wishful thinking; that’s fact. No one else can do what you can do in the way you can do it.

Your business, your dream, that idea that keeps you up at night—it’s all there for a reason. If you give up, you’re not just throwing away a business idea; you’re throwing away the opportunity to become the person who can make it happen. And that is way too precious to let go.

Final Thoughts: Keep Moving Forward

So, the next time you feel like tossing your laptop out the window, take a breath. Remind yourself why you started. Think about the moment you first felt that spark of inspiration, that vision of success. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s frustrating. But if you give it your all, you’ll discover that the pressure you’re feeling isn’t a sign that you’re not cut out for this—it’s a sign that you’re growing into the person who can handle it all.

You’ve got this. Trust me, I know it because I’ve been exactly where you are. And I wouldn’t be here today if I had quit.

So, buckle up, put on your favorite “let’s get it done” playlist, and keep moving forward. Your future self will thank you.


Imposter Syndrome: Signs and Solutions