Time Management Misconceptions

“Manage yourself, or your time will have you in a choke hold.”- Jess

Time management is one of the most important skills that any business owner can master. I actually like to refer to time management as "self management", because we cannot control time and we cannot plan every moment. However, we can work to control our actions to maximize productivity. Setting clear goals is important, but without time management it's like embarking on the trip of your dream, being fueled by the thrill of possiblity, and arriving to the airport without realzing that you need a passport to board. I learned about the importance of time managment by first exhausting myself, becoming painfully disorganized and discouraged. Here is a few key things to consider while running your business- so your business doesn't run you.

Time management does not allow you to do everything. It is very tempting to fill every slot of time with items from your to-do list, thinking that as long as you keep working you'll finish everything. However, you will find that no matter how hard you try, some tasks will remain unfinished. Learning to understand the balance between prioritization and efficiency will allow you to focus on what truly matters. Making the most of the time that you have (managing yourself wisely) begins by categorizing your tasks based on urgency and importance. Once you have a clear view of your priorities, it's essential to break down larger tasks into more manageable chunks. Set small, attainable goals and give yourself the opportunity to celebrate the small victories along the way.

Time Management is not hours of uninterrupted, undivided focus. In our world of emails, phone calls, and meetings- on top of family time and a 9-5 if you are working as you build your own business- effective time management is scheduling your time and being flexible without getting side tracked by other responsibilities. Unavoidable interruptions are sure to happen. Try to anticipate when and how your time blocks will be disrupted and plan accordingly. It's o.k. to add time in your schedule with no tasks allocated in it at all. You can add something to the day's tasks that you were saving for another time, or take a much needed break. Rest is imparative to your success.

The notion of rest often seems like a luxury rather than a necessity. In fact, rest is very important to effective time managment. Rest needs to be prioritized and added to your schedule as part of your daily business practices. You should not expect to operate at peak performance without rest to fuel creativity, productivity and overall well-being. Not only is a good night's rest vital, but some short breaks during the day can really help increase productivity, reduce stress and promote mental clarity.

Being a wife and mom has made me a serial multi-tasker, but I've learned that being busy does not equate to being productive. It is not about cramming as many tasks into your day as possible- it's about purposefully prioritizing and execution. Juggling multiple responsibilities, strategic planning, daily operations and creating a sound work-life balance requires a well-structured approach.


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